Missive Description
The team chat tool and inbox that allows teams to collaborate on email, SMS, WhatsApp and Twitter. The inbox was redesigned with business-first collaboration in mind. Missive allows teams to focus on their business growth. Everything you need to do the job. The Team Inbox provides a powerful workflow setting to manage your shared accounts and addresses.
Missive Alternatives
Distrobird is a free, all-in-one sales automation platform that replaces multiple tools with one seamless interface. Manage email, calls, SMS, forms, & more to streamline workflows & double your sales output.
Distrobird's mission is to simplify the process of managing and enabling your sales organization. We do this by aggregating all the tools that your revenue team requires on a single platform, from lead capture to prospecting, multichannel engagement, reporting, and more. Double the output of your sales team with less tools and more complexity.
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Microsoft Teams
Teams of engaged people work together to solve today's complex business challenges. We have created an online guide to help you and your team learn the secrets of teamwork. There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you have a place where you can create and make decisions together as a team. Teams allows you to bring everything together in one shared workspace. You can chat, meet, share documents, and use business apps. Your team can get on the same page using group chat, online meetings and calling. Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365), apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint allow you to collaborate on files. To keep your business moving forward, add in your favorite Microsoft apps as well as third-party services. Microsoft 365 provides end-to-end security and administrative control. Teams is for all types of groups. Start with the no-obligation, free version. As part of the best-in class suite of productivity tools, you can also get Team.
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Brosix Instant Messenger is a tool that allows businesses to improve and secure their team communication via private communication networks. Brosix gives businesses all the tools they need for team productivity. It is a user-friendly and fully encrypted platform that allows file transfer, screen sharing and group and private chat. Brosix IM's private network allows businesses to improve team collaboration and efficiency, reduce overhead, protect data privacy, and increase overhead. Businesses can set up team networks in minutes so they can immediately reap the benefits of their all inclusive, fully-administrable communication network.
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Element is a communications platform with security at its core, built on Matrix: a decentralised and end-to-end encrypted protocol. Element brings your teams together, boosts productivity and workplace satisfaction, while enabling complete ownership of your data.
Easily collaborate with your partners, suppliers or clients with video calls and instant messaging: like email for the 21st century. You can even connect your Slack, MS Teams, WhatsApp accounts. On the other hand Element can be closed for high security environments using secure border and cross domain gateways, and even air-gapped deployments.
Being built on Matrix, there is no single point of failure for the network thanks to the decentralised network architecture, making it perfect for mission-critical environments.
For full data sovereignty, install Element into your own data centre or on-premise. Alternatively, let us manage your setup in our secure Element Cloud, in a region of your choice.
In Forrester’s words: Element is a great fit for: "...organizations that prioritize flexibility, federation, and data sovereignty".
Please contact us to explore how your business can benefit from Element.
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Pricing Starts At:
$10 per user per month
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Live Online
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Missive Features and Options
Collaboration Software
Calendar Management
Chat / Messaging
Contact Management
Content Management
Document Management
Project Management
Real Time Editing
Task Management
Version Control
Video Conferencing
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