LuxAlgo Description
Sign up for a free TradingView account and get advanced charts of any market. Works on any device, and real-time data. Access advanced signals and overlays, institutional volumes estimations, plus 20+ other premium features. Top-rated indicators based on community feedback. Join our 100,000+ member community to receive thousands of alerts and active product updates that will help you optimize your analysis.
LuxAlgo Alternatives
AltSignals is one the most trusted and respected Crypto signal providers. AltSignals boasts over 1000 VIP members, 200+ Trustpilot reviews, and over 50k members in our free channel. AltSignals was established during the 2017-2018 bull run due to too many scams. AltSignals' goal has been to provide consistent, high-quality crypto signals for Binance Futures as well as Binance Spot. Bitmex has also been a client of AltSignals in the past. Some signals work on ByBit/KuCoin/FTX as well. AltSignals also offers a proprietary TradingView algorithm that includes an advanced backtesting tool, community, and is called AltAlgo.
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Altrady is an ultimate trading platform for cryptocurrencies. Investors and traders can connect their cryptocurrency exchange accounts to Altrady to experience convenient buying and selling of bitcoin and altcoins in just a single platform. It features the base scanner which uses unique algorithms for automatic market analyses. It also boasts of an efficient portfolio manager that helps traders keep track of their digital assets across exchange wallets. Discover more about this all-in-one crypto trading application at Altrady! Boost your trading with the all-in-one cryptocurrency trading software. Trade on multiple exchanges, track your performance, improve and get less emotional. Bitcoin trading platform for beginners and expert traders. With Altrady, you are at a huge advantage! Our tools and technology give you the easiest way to manage your trades and portfolio. Take Profit order is a crypto trading strategy for the short term that will help you to optimize your profits.
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Get started with advanced charting, market analysis, and trade simulation for free. NinjaTrader offers advanced charting, including the ability for you to trade directly from your chart. To confirm movement in a particular direction, you can use order flow, volumetric bars and market depth. You can easily monitor hundreds of markets using predefined conditions. This allows you to rank, scan and sort tick by tick. You can trigger custom notifications, social media sharing, and orders based upon analysis. To quickly manage expirations, access the option chain with visibility to strike prices and quotes. The FX Board allows you to track the largest market in the world and capitalize on market movements. NinjaTrader is a C# framework that allows developers to create integrated indicators, drawing tools, and automated strategies.
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HaasOnline is a platform for advanced crypto trading bots. Traders can develop, backtest, paper trade, and deploy trade bots on over three dozen exchanges like FTX, Bybit, and Binance. Replicate historically proven trading strategies like scalping, grid trading, dollar cost averaging, or arbitrage. Create trade bots line-by-line with our IDE-based editor or use the visual drag and drop designer without having to write a single line of code.
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Pricing Starts At:
$67.99 per month
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