Nuverb Systems' Donarius is a church management program that helps churches and non-profits manage their members and keep track donations, pledges, donors, and other information. Donarius has been trusted by more than 2500 churches and ministries around the world. It is also accessible online without a monthly fee, so it can be accessed from anywhere. It allows users to print donation receipts, understand church donations, print offering envelopes and communicate with members via email/post.
Here are some other uses it can perform:
*email tax receipts, quarterly statements and a PDF
*re-assign envelope numbers
*record gifts in kind'
*Keep track of online donations and ongoing ones (A.C.H.
You can easily import online donations from your provider
*import data from your current program so you don’t have to re-enter data
*export data into Excel and the desktop version Quickbooks
*Can create multiple users with their own privileges
Get a free trial version of Donarius at