Hello Ethics is an intelligence SaaS that allows you to collect information from small and large groups of people. No matter how big or small your company is. Our common goal is to collect information about human behavior, such as ethics violations, safeguarding information, integrity, and so forth. Amazing design: Clear, simple, affordable. We can customize colors and logos for your company. No extra fees. Web, e-mail, tollfree, messenger, bots, voice recorder. The reports are delivered promptly or as soon as possible. You can manage your reports on desktop or mobile. Status, check back report ID and stats, analytics viewers, export graphs or stats, and send e-mails to your investigative team. Hello Ethics gives you smart views and stats to analyze your reports, export them to excel, print graphs, and many other functions. You can edit text, phrases, and logos. You can customize your software. Please review the terms of your plan.