DRM-X 4.0 content security platform with new security architecture. Securely distribute protected audio/video, PDF, web pages, images, and Javascript to Windows and Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and Android. DRM-X 4.0 protection can eliminate the problem of piracy preventing you from selling or delivering these contents. DRM-X is Haihaisoft's digital rights management system platform. Haihaisoft offers DRM as a service. The copy protection platform includes File Encryption and Audio/Video Encryption as well as PDF Encryption and Web Page (HTML DRM Encryption). All of these features are available with DRMX 4.0 advanced DRM features. You can also manage rights, users, and license profiles online through your DRMX account. DRM-X 4.0, a new DRM software platform, is based on Xvast browser. It features a new security architecture, online and offline playback, and improved user experience. DRM-X allows dynamic watermarking of digital content.