The Gogs Project aims to create a simple, extensible, and stable self-hosted Git server that can be easily set up. This can be achieved with Go by using an independent binary distribution that works on all platforms supported by Go. Run the binary for your platform. Gogs can be shipped with Vagrant or Docker, or packaged. Gogs can be compiled for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ARM etc. Gogs is low-requirements and can be run on a Raspberry Pi. Some users run Gogs instances directly on their NAS devices. Gogs is open source and completely free. All source code can be found on GitHub under the MIT License. Dashboard, user profile and activity timeline. Access repositories using SSH, HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Management of users, organizations, and repositories. Repository and organization Webhooks including Slack Discord and Dingtalk. Repository Git hooks and keys for deployment, as well as Git LFS. Repository issues, pull request, wiki and protected branches.