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Wherefore art thou cyranoVR?

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  • This one []?

    • We get something like that every week or so. I'm waiting for the next one.

      Or perhaps he'll chime in here and then start having a conversation between himself and an imaginary conservative. That would truly be an honor in my journal. :-)

  • "wherefore" means "why" or "for what reason"
  • I'm sure a transcript of a Chris Rock show would go over well also. I for one haven't seen the episode, but removing all semblance of context from Stewart and his dry delivery renders any analysis almost meaningless. Kinda like when he does 'Great Moments in Punditry'.

    When he's doing a 'proper' show like the Tonight Show or when he's on a 'real' news show (pick your poison), then he can stand up to the same scrutiny.
  • I only wish that EVERYONE could stop and think "but as an American" more often. Especially in politics.

    As Democrats, Stewart and Soderberg and Dean and Clinton and Kerry and all the rest want Bush to fail, because he's Republican.

    As Americans, they want him to succeed, because he's President.

    On the other side of the political asle (sic), Republicans want Democrats to go away. Presidents and Senators and Representatives want to find consensus with all of their colleagues.

    (FWIW, I'm with Washington. Po
  • I made it into a JE subject line.

    I guess this means that I'm finally a Slashdot Journal-Circle Personality (tm).


    Regarding Jon Stewart:
    I'm confused...why would I shed tears over an interview in which Jon Stewart demonstrated once more that he's incredibly articulate, open-minded and even-handed (and witty too!)? I should note that at one point, Jon Stewart expressed a sentiment that exactly reflects my own:

    Because at a certain point, I almost feel like, if they had just come out at the very beginni

"The medium is the massage." -- Crazy Nigel
