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Journal Pirogoeth's Journal: Sign of the Apocolypse #37 6

Florida Boy Accused of Assault with a Rubber Band

"Robert Gomez, a seventh-grader at Liberty Middle School, said he picked up a rubber band at school and slipped it on his wrist.

Gomez said when his science teacher demanded the rubber band, the student said he tossed it on her desk.

After the incident, Gomez received a 10-day suspension for threatening his teacher with what administrators say was a weapon, Local 6 News reported.

"They said if he would have aimed it a little more and he would have gotten it closer to her face he would have hit her in the eye," mother Jenette Rojas said.

Rojas said she was shocked to learn that her son was being punished for a Level 4 offense -- the highest Level at the school. Other violations that also receive level 4 punishment include arson, assault and battery, bomb threats and explosives, according to the Code of Student Conduct."

My God, she must have been fearing for her life. Don't let the terrorists find out about this new weapon of mass destruction...

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Sign of the Apocolypse #37

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  • But I hope that school district is on the receiving end of a big fat lawsuit. What idiot let this happen?
  • Dear North Korea,

    You suck! You couldn't hit Florida with one of your tactical warheads if it had a big ol' target painted on it. You probably couldn't even hit Southern California either. Go ahead, try - I dare you!



    Both Florida and California need to be nuked off the United States. Mebbe N. Korea will save us the material and fallout (no pun intended).
    • NK's missiles are throught to only have range enough to hit the northwest corner of the lower 48. (I checked to see if I was in range when the word about their long-range rockets got out. Sure am!) I don't think they can make it even as far south as San Francisco, so L.A. is straight out.

      Maybe you'll just have to start a secession movement?
  • With the girl who was suspended for bringing a weapon to school - a plastic knife in her lunch, which, had she not brought, were available in the cafeteria.

    Now, did he "launch" the rubberband, or simply toss it? If launched, it would have been an inappropriate thing to do, but probably not of the same level as arson.

    I can just hear the principal:

    "Rubber bands?! Next thing you know he'll be setting the building on fire!"


    Ignore the following:
    Lameness filter encountered. Post aborted!
    Reason: Don't use so many caps. It's like YELLING.

Those who claim the dead never return to life haven't ever been around here at quitting time.
