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United States

Journal OldHawk777's Journal: New Draft Notice for DoD Civil Servants in NSPS 1

US Government DoD has a NEW "Back-Door-Draft" it is called the NSPS http://www.cpms.osd.mil/nsps (http://www.cpms.osd.mil/nsps). Anyone working for DoD as a Civil Servant can be required to deploy to war-zones like Iraq, Afghanistan, .... This is just part of the new "Kinder & Gentler" Christian USA. I have volunteer in the past to travel to war-zones as a US Government Civil Servant, but forcing others by regulations seems to be the last resort of BS-patriots. Either it is voluntary deployments to war-zones or it is congressional conscription ... there ain't no middle fucking ground ... for US.

There are many other laughable dark-humor policies contained in the new regulations camouflaged as needed improvements for a more professional government/DoD workforce. Reality is (I suspect) that hierarchical management will be better able to micromanage their failures by distributing the blame via a privileged management class that support the boss and screws the worker-bees and pack-mules that do the work.

As in many corporations and parts of government, the royal/industrial age management concepts thrives for two-thirds of bosses/managers that promote a fuck-up-move-up, give-head-to-get-ahead, ... culture of right and wrong in the workplace which cause the catastrophic failures of the past and present. Two-out-of-three managers today (globally) make decisions based on who must be appeased, rewarding like character quacks, and creating a corps of head-nodding pseudo-professionals. Government and Business losers (being able to endorse themselves, pet-projects, and poor-products) are due to a virtual inbreeding of inferior performance and failure (at management level), which these losers erroneously defined as success.

The current globally poor conditions of humanity, families, education, healthcare, governments, business, ... performance is directly related to the paranoid delusional corporate leaders (US, EU, UN, Them, Others, ...) in governments and businesses believing that their failure is caused by "worker-bees and pack-mules", or fictitious persons and situations beyond control, and/or something really strange and unheard-of which causes them to make mistakes, and be failures and losers. This is the typical epitome of white-collar-trash character and megalomania ... "The ends when bad are always caused by others".


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New Draft Notice for DoD Civil Servants in NSPS

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  • interesting.

    That's all really. Just thinking about the GPL one, and your latest this morning after reading them.

    You and I have had a discussion or two about education, control and other basic issues of society today. Just wanted to let you know, you have at least one occasional reader.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
