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Journal Kainaw's Journal: +5 Insightful Moron 5

I have an observation which could easily be a complaint if I actually cared about it, but I don't. So, it is just an observation. Every time I make a comment that others find Insightful or Interesting, it quickly shoots up to +5. However, it is normally followed a large number of replies intended to explain what a moron I am. It makes me wonder how many +5 Insightful Morons there are on Slashdot.

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+5 Insightful Moron

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  • There are thousands of "insightful morons" here :-) Just be glad the people complaining don't have mod points. I have noticed that if I get modded up, my posts tend to go to +5, probably because most people browse such that higher modded posts are near the top (and thus people with mod points are more likely to see them, and mod them up). Also it is helpful to keep in mind that many readers here have the social skills of a turnip. I am all for letting people know if I think what they said is wrong, but many
  • I have one comment (about the time travel article). What if there are an infinite number of timelines? Thus by "going back" and altering time, you in fact end up in a new timeline, while Joe (the guy who invented time machines) continues on as the inventor in the old timeline. And we don't know if timetravel exists, because sadly we are in one of the crummy timelines where we haven't found out about time travel (yet :-) ).

    One other argument that comes to mind is if there is only one timeline, perhaps we do

    • I wrote that article a long time ago. Since then, I've thought about it more and I came up with the following. I am typing this on the fly, so I'll try to make sense...

      One side effect of the theory of relativity is the realization that time is just a dimension, like width, depth, and height. Unlike the three dimensions we normally bounce around in, we are limited to travelling in time in one direction and at a fairly constant speed.

      Lets make the theory simpler. Imagine we live in a one dimensional wor
      • Interesting. I like the brush stroke analogy (it sounds very asian :-) ) As far as the predestination stuff goes, I don't worry about it for the same reason I never worried about tests in school after handing them in. I worried before the test, but once it was handed in I didn't worry about it (most people did the opposite for some reason). Why worry about something once you have no control over it? Also the thing about predestination is it can never be proved one way or the other, so at least at this point

"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
