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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: I saw Office Space 2

I've been watching the Office Space DVD in the local Blockbuster for a while, and it looked interesting, but I didn't know what's it about so I avoided renting it.

After seeing that this movie was mentioned here, I decided that it's good enough for renting, and I was so diasppointed!

The movie is about.. cubicle life, with all of its little annoyances. It tells about the hero, Peter, who starts off as a bitter worker ("Every day in my life is worse than the previous one, so today is the worst day in my life") but he gains some sort of hypnotic experience which causes him to change his attitude and enjoy instead of suffer (by ignoring his bosses and stuff like that). It starts as an interesting movie, as many movies do, but after a while (when Peter starts with the scam) it just becomes annoying, mostly because of the rap parts. Don't they know that I don't like hip-hop?

Besides, the characters aren't very interesting, not to mention that I don't identify with any of them. They obviously need a better script.

Also, the character who appears on the cover of the DVD, Milton, only gets a minor role. Apparantly he's a character from an animation series with the same name.

Here's an even worse review for this movie, by our hero Jon Katz. (For example, he wrote that Peter threw fish guts all over the office, while Peter threw those guts only on the T.P.S reports)

And here's a added bonus for my frequent readers: 10 most used sentences in movie trailers, courtesy of the movie reviews site named Ein Hadag:

  • In a world where..
  • She will take your heart
  • X had everything he ever wanted...
  • Two unlikely heroes
  • An adventure which will change their lives forever
  • And now, one man must...
  • will make you fall in love again.
  • A chance of once in a lifetime
  • Get ready for a story you've never seen before
  • A story about courage.. friendship..
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I saw Office Space

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The party adjourned to a hot tub, yes. Fully clothed, I might add. -- IBM employee, testifying in California State Supreme Court
