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Journal aridhol's Journal: Nervous pacing 4

Forcing myself to sit down for a minute, stop pacing.

Why am I so nervous? Is it because this is the first her-and-me only date? Is it because this is my first "first date" in eleven years? Or is this normal?

Why do I see Murphy staring me in the face every time I turn around?

The world can't possibly come crashing down around my ears tonight. So why does it feel like my smallest mistake can make that happen?

One hour, 33 minutes 'til the restaurant reservation.

Relax, Kevin. Everything will be good.

Dammit why do I have to be so confident at school and so nervous at romance? Is it normal to be this nervous?

How will I be able to eat with these butterflies dancing in my stomach?

One hour, 30 minutes. Excuse me, I'm going to pace a bit more.

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Nervous pacing

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