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Journal aridhol's Journal: Walking on clouds 3

Went to a hockey game on Friday. After the game, my classmate W, his girlfriend A, some other guys and I went to a local bar for some karaoke.

A's friend C was there, and she joined the group. She went up and sang a few (she's actually recording a CD demo this upcoming weekend with her band Ocean Skye). After we left, W, A, and I were heading in the same direction. A few blocks after we left, A shows me a piece of paper and says "You got a girl's phone number. But you only get it if you come with us."

The rest of the night rated about 9.5 on a 1-10 scale of awkwardness. See, W doesn't dance and A does. A would only give me the number if I danced with her. But I think W wanted to be alone with her; I tried to fade into the background when she wasn't dancing, and to be available when she wanted to. As I said, awkward night.

Night ends. W and A get in cab. I don't get phone number. Fuck.

Today my roommate K comes back from W's apartment where he's been studying. He hands me a piece of paper. C's number. Sweet.

Called her up, she came over to the block. Probably wasn't the brightest idea I ever had, 'cause the guys were being jerks. But we couldn't leave because C brought A with her, and A was talking with K for the entire night. We endured, but the night was an almost complete write-off.

I say "almost" because she still wants me to call her later this week, and to come to her band's recording party this week and her first solo performance next week.

Aridhol is happy. A little nervous - I don't have much experience on the dating scene and I don't want to fuck it up - but happy.

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Walking on clouds

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