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Journal aridhol's Journal: Snow Day 3

Well, I haven't been on /. in a while, but I'm still alive and studying (the main reason I'm not online).

Woke up this morning, considered putting on the uniform but decided to wait until after breakfast. After trudging through knee-deep snow (the plough came in behind us), we got to the meal hall, where we heard the wonderful news on the radio.

MUN is closed for weather.

Good news - an extra day to study for quizzes (one of which is worth 15% of our total mark!)

Bad news - Three quizzes back-to-back, because Monday's quiz is pushed to Tuesday, and Tuesday and Wednesday quizzes still stand. Ick.

Still waiting for the 3 boxes I sent with military shipping to arrive. Only 3 weeks overdue now. I may even have them by the time I graduate.

Um, that's about it. Studying hard, hardly studying, it's all the same to me.

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Snow Day

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  • wishing you luck on the quizzes. Study hard.
  • Man it is SOOO warm and beautiful in Victoria BC right now. The snow melted after a week and I do belive it's the warmest that is has been in quite some years at this time of year.

    Donna says "Just remember you signed up voluntarily for this".

    I just say "ha ha ha ha ha ha"

I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get any older.
