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Journal mskfisher's Journal: Gross Generalizations (or, fairness) 2

U.S. Christians Issue Gay Warning Over Kid Video

Thu Jan 20, 7:39 PM ET

By Jill Serjeant

All U.S. Christians?
Wow. That's pretty impressive.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Christian Conservative groups have issued a gay alert warning over a children's video starring SpongeBob SquarePants, Barney and a host of other cartoon favorites.

Oh, just Christian Conservative groups. Reading further, it's the American Family Association and James Dobson.

When I first read a headline of this sort on CNN, I thought it was just a poor choice on their part to try to squeeze it into their famously short frontpage taglines.
Now I see that the direct Reuters feed has a misleading headline.

Now, let's put the shoe on the other foot. If U.S. Muslim groups put together a warning or some such, and it was reported as "Muslims decry such-and-so", it would be a terrible simplification of the Muslim community that is an affront to that peaceful faith, and an attempt at disparaging Americans that just want to live in peace, and why are you such a bigot!

But hey, when it's time to put together a headline about Christian groups, feel free to label and associate all Christians with it.

In this case, it doesn't bother me, because I agree with their concerns, as near as I can tell from the article, but I'm concerned that this tactic would be applied when some group endorses a lunatic shooting up an abortion clinic or something.

Go Go Gadget Journalistic Objectivity! *sputter* *pop* *gasp*
Hmm, seems to be broken.

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Gross Generalizations (or, fairness)

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  • someone else just journaled about this. When I read the artice it was interesting that the author included a bit about how the gay community apparently has adopted the sponge bob character in-mass. No reasons were given. The creator of the character says that he always though ot sponge bob as an asexual being; one that has neither sexual identity. Given that, I'm not sure what the gay community would have so redily adopted the character.... but hey, worse things have happened.

    Now the Tellitubies were j
  • by robi2106 ( 464558 )
    And in case I forgot to mention it, any one doing a remake of that "We Are Family" song will be assumed to be gay. Even if you sing along with it? Why? Because that song has been used as the anthem for a specific group as frequently that the seperate identities of the some and group have merged. There are other examples of a song / phrase being identified with a specific group / person because of extensive use even though the two were not initially identified together. Take use of the word "sick" which

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