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United States

Journal OldHawk777's Journal: IPR+GPL+... as new model for capitalism and democracy ...?

Could the General Public License (GPL) be a responsible and logical model for global capitalist economy and democracy?

Patent rights, Copyrights, ... all Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) under OSS/FS GPL model/law for future science, art, technology, and economic advancements.

Current Patent rights, Copyrights, ... all Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) law is based on a pre-technology Industrial Age legacy economy. Failure will continue to accelerate as present IPR legacy based laws are patched with ill-conceived notions of cultural dynamics and economics. The result is to make criminals out of honest citizens and dangerous weapons out of science and/or technology. The reality is that citizens are not criminal, and technology or science is never a dangerous weapon. IPR legacy policy/laws as international treaty agreements could cause the oppression of democracy and capitalism.

OSS/FS GPL does not mean free. Various GPL definitions exist that protect personal/private economic value of IPR without restricting the free flow of ideas, technology, science, content, music, .... A GPL for IPR could be developed that would freely allow sharing without profit, but civil law (not criminal law) could require profit distribution agreements (when money is made) be signed in advance of a capitalist venture. Civil law would allow for reconciliation and restitution when value (monetary profit obtained) is stolen from the property owner. No citizen crime for having a copy of a song, but civil courts could confiscate stolen monetary profit and return the property to the rightful owner (nothing new).

GPL for IPR would keep all IPR in the public-domain (but not owned by the public) open and available for innovation, research, learning/education, creativity.... If it then happens that with value-added and capitalist venture that profit can be generated for all owners in an agreement, well that is what capitalism and democracy are all about for US, EU, and others.

"Reality is a self-induced hallucination."

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IPR+GPL+... as new model for capitalism and democracy ...?

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