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Journal erockett's Journal: It's Monday and I have school tomorrow

Lalalala... I'm back home from skiing.

Myst V was announced! W00t, now I can finally talk about it... My gag order has almost expired : )

So due to the announcement of Myst V, I've decided to submit an article to /. - we'll see if it shows up soon.

My day was pretty good, for spending almost the whole time in the car. There was Star Trek on the cable at the hotel this morning, which was cool. I love Spock! And I watched Yellow Submarine in the car on my happy laptop. ^_^ Yay. I should unpack all my junk and clean up my room though. I spent the afternoon drawing after we got back.

But there was no school today. If nothing else, we owe MLKJr that at least. But of course, we owe him for a lot of other stuff too. I like his "I have a dream" speech. Yay for him.

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It's Monday and I have school tomorrow

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