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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: What kind of girlfriend I am looking for? 12

Posted July 08 2002
Modified Sept 04 2002

Hi all!

Last time I asked for a girlfriend here, I was overwhelmed by the results. Even ANNE MARIE answered. So many results in so little time (unfortunately I can't hear Anne anymore.. and neither Lunar82, who suggested me to go to the library).

In order to make it simpler for you and me, I'll write here what kind of person I'm looking for, so I'll get more relevant results from the hundreds upon hundreds of chicks we have in this place that we're so proud about.

So I'm looking for a girl who have one or more of the following qualities (unfortunately no person can have all of them). Have a look:

  • Good person. Just like me.
  • Creative/artistic like GirlLovingTheVibe or Jin Wicked.
  • Computer literate, like Geek Girl.
  • Enjoys contact - it's important, isn't it?
  • Redhead. Readheads are so cute, like Willow (is that her natural hair color? Well she's cute nonetheless) and Miranda.
  • Sci-fi lover so we can read together.
  • Dancer - it adds a lot to my attraction, at least in most cases. :)

Note: All the girls I linked here are either too far from me or aren't single. That's why I'm not hitting on them.

And here's what I'm not looking for:

  • Hairy - if you're a girl, take off your shirt and go to the mirror. Do you see any hairs? If you do, then remove them for god's sake! I can't understand how can a girl see such a thing without doing something about it (I haven't slept with such hairy girls, but I saw girls like that on the beach..)
  • Bad person - and you know what I mean. I need a girl who will be there for me.
  • Overweight. Unless you look like her .
  • Over-sarcastic, or just a girl who doesn't care.
  • Passive - don't leave all the job of love to me.
  • Religious - unless your religion supports sex before marriage.

Now, I'm not being too demanding, right? Can't wait to see you then! :)

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What kind of girlfriend I am looking for?

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  • .. I would avoid 'geek girls'. They tend to have something wrong with them, like, in the head. I'm sure you know what I mean.

    It's just not natural for girls to like Linux, and it's quite often a symptom of an underlying mental instability.

"The medium is the massage." -- Crazy Nigel
