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Journal aridhol's Journal: Luggage? You don't really need that. 1

Flew home for Chrismas. Flew back on New Years Day.

Long flight. I left home at 6 AM on the first (Pacific time), arrived in Newfoundland at 2:30 AM (Newfoundland time) the next day.

My luggage didn't.

So, along with half the people on my flight, I go to the baggage claims desk. I get to the front of the line, and give the guy my info. 2 boxes, 2 bags. OK, we'll trace them and get them to you ASAP.

Go to the barracks to sleep. That afternoon, the airport calls. One of my boxes (the 3rd package of 4, containing my monitor) has arrived. No word on the others.

Later that night, I called the airline. After waiting on hold for an hour, discovered they have no info.

Next morning, I wake up grumpy, and decide to cab down to the airport to get some answers. Three of my packages are sitting at the claims counter. Two boxes, one bag. Still missing one bag.

Get the stuff to the barracks, realize that the missing bag has my uniform. I have enough spare uniform parts that I can wear something today, except for my beret. Go to school with a toque. Surprise inspection - WTF is that on your head, sailor? Sorry PO, Air Canada has my uniform.

Went down to clothing stores, got a beret from them as well as a claim form for the rest. Hopefully I'll get my stuff (not only my uniform) soon (immediately would be nice, but not likely). Useful stuff, like my computer's keyboard.

The guys here have learned not to mention airlines recently :P

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Luggage? You don't really need that.

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What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer.
