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Journal dj42's Journal: Stand Up /. Comedians 2

What's the deal with all these people who think they are stand up comedians on /.? Is it the proliferation of easy-to-get +5 funnah? Or is it just that the dorks on this site find just about... well... everything, funny.

I mean, basically, if you take any out of context quote, article, etc, and somehow if it has a negative component in it and suggest Microsoft is responsible... BBOOOOOMM!!! +5 funny.

Worse yet, make an obscure Star Trek or Simpsons reference, neither will be particularly funny in most cases, or the quote itself will be "quote fodder" for quote monkeys to throw around... +5 funny.

People that do "obligatory" quotes should be the first against the wall in the ./ revolution. I want there to be a mod for that shit, the people that post the same, unoriginal, unspired, shit into the content pool day after day, excited at the prospect that other morons will mod them +5 and not really having any thought or value contributed to the discussion.

In a way, it's just like America. Only a few people are actually THINKING, DOING, and CREATING, the real men and women. While the rest are just copying what everyone else has already done, regurgitating in, best case, crafty ways, to disguise themselves as something more than they ar...

Ok, I'm done.

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Stand Up /. Comedians

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
