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Journal ryanr's Journal: Cat 12

Just got back from having to have the cat put to sleep. That sucks.

A little bit of the story leadig up to this here if you're curious.

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Sorry to hear about the cat, not the best way to ring in the new year eh?
    • Just a bad day in general. I'm too od any married to care much about New Years, so that's not any kind of extra problem.
  • It's real hard to lose a companion. It's cold comfort to know that you gave your kitty a far richer, longer and healthier life than it would have had living in the wild.

    If you feel up to it, you might try adopting a new cat from any local shelter. It will never be a replacement for your departed friend, but it will grow to be a new friend in fairly short order. Besides, you already have the cat things handy, and the new kitty deserves a good home, too.
    • We're done with pets for a good long while, but thatnks for the suggestion. I feel a little bad for my younger kids, they won't get much "pet time". However, none of them have appeared to be terribly attached to the pets, and they don't enjoy the chores.

      Maybe it's because the pets were older than the kids, I don't know. We had the dog and cast first.
  • i'm really sorry to hear that. really... i'm over-sensitive to stuff like this... so i just think this really sucks.

    i'm really sorry :(

    • Thanks. The wife and I cried at each-other for a bit, but we'll be fine. He was old, we knew it was coming.

      I like to think the dog was waiting for the cat afterwards, so she could chew on his head again.
  • It doesn't get any easier the more times you make that phone call, either. I don't have a clue who you are or why I have you in my friends list, other than you must have said something particularly insightful or funny at some point, but from one perfect stranger to another, hang in there friend.
  • May you be spared the usual bad advice that usually goes along with such things....
  • ...except yeah, that sucks. Not a great way to round out the year. You have my sympathy.
    • Thanks, appreciated. I don't find that it particularly refelcts on the year in any signifcant way. We don't do anything for new years to speak of anyway. So we've got a nice day off to mope around the house a bit.

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
