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Journal the_mad_poster's Journal: Again, The Right is Wrong (As Usual) 25

This is the "Texas Miracle" that ChimpanBush used to sell "No Child Left Behind".

Funny. The people who are just "anti-Bush whiners" have been out to nail his balls to the wall for the bullshit he pulled in the TX education system for years. Now, we start to see the "official" proof start to come out.

So, okay. Let me see if I can get this straight in my head. When Monkeyboy was posturing for war in Iraq, and I was screaming for evidence of his wild accusations and baseless claims, I was being unamerican, even though I was right.

When I was complaining that holding people without charges, attorneys, or any rights at all for that matter just because you made up a stupid label for them and slapped it on their forehead was just begging for abuse, I was, again, being unamerican even though, again, I was right.

When I was screeching that the only other time "tricklenomics" was tried (Reagan - the poster boy for broken piggybanks and wasted allowances) it didn't do a damn thing and the person who tried it left his successor (Bush I) with a nasty recession, I was told I was just some communist prick and it's not fair that the people who benefit the most from government infrastructure pay the most back into it after it LETS them succeed. Again, I was right. No, wait. I'm sorry. With this BUSTLING economy we have here and the out-of-control deficit, falling dollar value, and absolutely astounding debt increases over the last four years, we're clearly on our way up the hill.

I'm calling bullshit on the High Gibbon's ridiculous education "plan". Again, I know I'm right, and it seems like that "liberally biased media" is finally picking the fuck up on it 4 years too late. Again, I'm sure it's all just leftist nonsense.

The right is wrong. Very wrong. It is dangerous and it is ignorant and it is stupid. It is more dangerous than Al Quaeda Bin Laden and Ayatollah Hussein all rolled together and topped off with a bit of Kim Jong Pinochet. Even when the literal representation of a slope-headed inbred drooling on his own testicles isn't visually accurate, it's almost always, I've noticed, an accurate intellectual representation of the average person that calls himself conservative (not "is", mind you, because most of the idiots these days that call themselves conservative are really fanatically stupid neoconservatives).

You're the terrorists here. You're anti-inellectual ("educated liberal elitists"), you're anti-freedom ("11 States [Constitutionally] Ban Same-Sex Marriage"), you're anti-American. You're wrong. Dead wrong. Every time. I'm tired of being told I'm wrong and the Right knows what the fuck it's talking about when I'm always right and you're always wrong and you just choose to ignore these things after you can no longer pretend otherwise.

You're wrong. You're killing America. Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my country. Fuck if I'm heading for Canada, why don't you cocksuckers head back to Cuba or maybe go start the USSR back up? I've had it with you and your monkeyfuck poster boy for the ban on lead paint and asbestos.

Get the fuck out of my country if you hate America so much you far right cockgobblers.

This discussion was created by the_mad_poster (640772) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Again, The Right is Wrong (As Usual)

Comments Filter:
  • Nothing really to write here (I didn't read the journal, though I'm sure you probably have valid points), just trying to reverse offend. With a subject like that, you are starting to resemble trolls.
  • That was certainly fully of bile. :) But it's a well-formed argument regardless.
  • I'm sorry, you'll have to stop taking stories about Bush from the left wing Communist News Network. Seriously, we all know that Ted Turner and Hanoi Jane run the place, and you are a wanker for reading there.

  • by dead sun ( 104217 ) <(aranach) (at) (> on Tuesday December 21, 2004 @04:14PM (#11151311) Homepage Journal
    While I'll lean heavily against Bush and his policies, I see no reason to go and insult roughly 50% of the voters.

    You're fighting the wrong fight. You can be the smartest person in the world and if all you can do is claim you're always right you'll have no impact. I'm not sure what you do to ensure proper education, proper taxation, or prisoners rights. If all that you do is post on Slashdot about it, there's little doubt that you've had no impact on the situation.

    Write your congress critters with foundations for bills that you think might solve the problem. Do some of the work for them. Get into politics yourself if you have all the answers. If your ideas will always have positive effects there's no way you couldn't stay in office for a long time.

    Please note that in no way am I defending the actions of nearly any politician around. It's just that everybody spewing hate towards each other isn't exactly helping things either. If citizens can't stop playing the winning/losing game while politicians keep playing them against each other, said citizens will never join an overarching bond allowing for compromise and mutual progress. All citizens should be teaming up to hold all politicians' feet to the fire, regardless of whether they helped elect them or not. Citizens need to be a team together, to keep government working for citizens. Two teams of citizens backing different teams of politicians isn't working.

    • I agree 100%

      This quagmire of people complaining only to like minded geeks on forums like Slashdot while not putting pressure where it needs to be felt, will not disappear by itself. Resources need to be devoted, and unless people are prepared to actually act, not just talk about it on Slashdot, nothing will ever get done. Apathy is not an option.

      You can help by getting off your rear and writing to your congressman [] or senator []. Tell them that education is important to you. Tell them that you appreciate t

      • After about the fourth time reading a similar post from you... I'm just now starting to realize it's a form letter. Education/Open Source/insert issue here.

        Boy, I feel behind the curve.

        • I agree 100%

          This quagmire of people complaining only to like minded geeks on forums like Slashdot while not putting pressure where it needs to be felt, will not disappear by itself. Resources need to be devoted, and unless people are prepared to actually act, not just talk about it on Slashdot, nothing will ever get done. Apathy is not an option.

          You can help by getting off your rear and writing to your congressman [] or senator []. Tell them that education is important to you. Tell them that you appreciate

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • The time for persuasion is largely over, the next election will not be happening for another four years.

        "So let's sit on our asses for 3 years and then whine again when we fail to make our case in the last year before the next election."

        You're perfectly within your rights to do this, and by all means, I respect the wish not to get eaten up by politics (don't want to myself). But if you think that action now will have no impact on results then, you're setting yourself up for yet another massive and misunde

      • I'd like to think that if there isn't some sort of compromise that can be reached, the country's voters can at least not hate each other. Six months of calling people retards isn't going to help a damn thing when it comes time to stop releasing pent up steam. No, that's going to be six months spent alienating the voters who swing one way or another and happened to end up on Bush's side of the lines this time around.

        Nobody's going to get the entrenched partisans to change sides, at least not in numbers. So y

  • by ellem ( 147712 ) *
    I'm trying to play with my new Powerbook and DL pr0n did you have to harsh the buzz with post election bitching....

    waaaaah waaah waaaah schools are getting fucked.


  • two wrongs do not make a right or we'd all be right. Screaming about evidence rarely engages the attention of those who need to hear. Rather it drives even those who might have been interested away.
  • this JE has inspired me to listen to this [].
  • +1, Much Better

    On a more serious note, I found out yesterday that one of our instructors has taken a part time position with the Dept. of Education travelling to various elementary schools in our state and testing students. The testing is to be done in a completely secure manner, i.e. the schools do not get to cherry pick the students to be tested, and the completed tests will be sealed and sent to the DOE to be graded. I assumed when he told me about this that it was a reaction to the current realization

fortune: cannot execute. Out of cookies.
