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Journal the_mad_poster's Journal: Congratulations to Mr. Bush.... 5

... on the "Person of the Year" mention from Time. You now stand firmly rooted in a part of American history right beside Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, because you sure as hell can't stand up as tall as "The American Soldier" and you deserve to try about as much as Ken Lay does.

You must be so proud, you gibbering chimp.

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Congratulations to Mr. Bush....

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  • TIME Persons of the Year, starting with 1927. []

    Other Men of the Year:

    Haile Selassie (Ethiopian despot)
    Chiang Kai-Shek
    Stalin (twice)
    Nixon (twice)
    Charles de Gaulle (hey, Bush and de Gaulle in the same category! Mhehehehee...)
    Ayatollah Khomeini



  • I was listening to the year-end press conference this morning on my way to work... The question of Bernie Kouric came up. Long involved question, long involved answer. But to the part that was "what qualifications are you looking for in a DNI", George said "Well I want to find someone who knows something about intelligence!" He even had a half-laugh in his voice, making it clear that he probably had some idea that the response from many of us was going to be "about effin time!"
  • C'mon madposter, tell us what you really think.

Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
