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Journal Hi_2k's Journal: Womenfolk 7

Today was an interesting day. It was blissfully short, which unfortunately also meant I didn't get to work on my Latin project. Mostly, though, it was good.

There are two women who I am in love with in my study hall. They're very much opposites of each other, which is probably why I like them both. One is quiet, shy, and involved with school activities and concerned about grades. The other is a loud, outgoing, and carefree entrepreneur. The former is currently going out with a person I despise, and the latter has just come out of a very long relationship. I'm just going to refer to them as g1 and g2 for this, as I don't know who might be reading this. Heck, if either of them read this they would instantly know who they were.

G1 has been in my eye since I first met her. I don't know why. She's pretty, but not exactly a bombshell. Something, though, about the way she smiles and laughs really gets me. I would love to just talk with her, and to some extent I do, but she is very shy, and I really don't want to give away the fact that I'm in love with her. I may have, though, and I don't really know. I've tried to be her friend, and I never know if I've gone too far.

G2 is a flirt. I met her about the same time as G1 became involved. She's really nice, and quite funny, but I don't know how to describe the way she comes off except as Angsty. Despite her combat boot wearing exterior, she's really very traditional, and recently went on a long and impassioned rant about how stupid teen sex is. Which I consider, oddly enough, sexy.

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