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Journal Hi_2k's Journal: A new begining

I've decided to give up my other blog. It's not worth maintaining it, and the people who would read it are not worth talking to.
I'm not sure to say when introducing myself. I'd like to say, quite simply, "I'm ______, and I'm proud of it", but I'm not sure what goes in the blank. I've lost a sense of my identity, which is the one thing that has always been my greatest fear.
I'm writing this as a diary. Hopefully, I'll sit down each day and type out normal diary entry as if it was private. I don't know if I'll get comments or not, but I feel it'll be good for me to help sort out my life.

I'd like to write some background information on myself, first. Stories can work by starting you out in the middle, but for a journal, it's better to go in order. I'm 16. I'm classified as gifted. For years, I've struggled in school. I've been home schooled twice, the first for 3rd grade, the second for the period from halfway through 5th to the beginning of high school. The first was because of a conflict between my mother and my elementary school principal. I loved 2nd grade, but because of the way children were grouped in my school I ended up in a class filled with the "Special needs" students. The policy of the principal was to have heterogeneous classrooms and to group classes so that all classes had the same average IQ. My second grade teacher, however, was really good and was able to make the class interesting to me. For third grade, however, I was placed with a teacher who was known to be downright rude to gifted children, after my mother had specifically requested that I not be put in that class. After that, my mother withdrew me.
For fourth, I wanted to go back to school, and the year passed without incident. Fifth grade, however, was decidedly interesting. My teacher was, to put it kindly, unsure of herself. She made up for this by publicly ridiculing me and encouraging the other kids in my class to do the same.

Finally, after half a year of counseling, my mother realized that there may be more to my complaints about school than delusion. Two meetings, one with just my teacher and one with the teacher, guidance counselor and Principal, and I was withdrawn. I spent the rest of the year being home schooled, then I was allowed, on a trial basis, to take courses at the local community college, where I stayed until starting high school in 2001. I enjoyed my time at the college, but I yearned for a normalcy. Biggest mistake of my life. School has been a thing of false promises, insane dictators, and idiots.

So here I am. 16, barely passing my classes at school and dreading every weekday morning where I am thrust into an alien world for 7 hours a day. I've gotten some of the things I wanted, but lost almost all that I had. I'm going to post one thing here each day, I've promised myself that. I want to leave a mark, even if things don't work out for me, and maybe just putting this down into writing will help.

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A new begining

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"By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry." -- a Larson cartoon
