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Journal bmetzler's Journal: God hates you, and he wants to kill your children. 3

Until today I had never heard of But Rachel Buchman had. And Rachel decided to do something about it.

According to Rachel, "God hates you, and he wants to kill your children." And why would God want to kill your children? Supposedly because 'you' are a conservative.

Rachel Buchman is an ex-NPR reporter, and would like to remind you. Vote Progressive (or Democrat) (or something, just not Republican) or God will kill your children.

This Public Service Announcement was brought to you on behalf of Rachel, who would like you to remember, "God hates you, and he wants to kill your children."

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God hates you, and he wants to kill your children.

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  • This woman needs help.

    I can't help but wonder if she had made the call in a fit of fury, and later regretted it. It sounded to me like she was worked up about something.

    All joking aside, I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of the Despondent Masses when Senator Kerry lost his bid for the presidency.

    As for the content of her message, I'm interested in hearing her source of insight with respect to what God is going to do to my children. I'm reasonably familiar with the Bible (in English, anyway), and I
    • I'm pretty sure God kills all of us at (more or less) equal speed. It's called aging. Death can be greatly accellerated by other living beings, or our own interactions with the physical world, but overall, I'm pretty sure she's right. God is killing all of us.

      Now, whether or not God (or gods) HATE is up for some debate. In some ways, most religions believe that our life (or at least the suffering part thereof) on this Earth is either a trial, test or a path. Many religions expand upon this idea by con

  • That's okay, conservatives have been telling me god's going to [kill/maim/punish] [me/family/friends/pets] for years for being [liberal/sexually active/tolerant]. She just wants to make sure that the religious right doesn't feel left out of the fun things it's been saying about people in this country for oh.... about 250 years.

    And, just remember, [nsfw] this guy [] is on your "side".

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
