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Journal I(rispee_I(reme's Journal: AHAYWEH

Welcome, and abandon hope. I will be using this journal to document kick ass games that I am playing. As forewarning:

Things I like:
1) Opensourcedness.
2) Realtime combat, as opposed to turn-based.
3) Cheap things, preferably free.
4) Multiplayer.
5) 2d platformers of the old school variety.

Things I don't like:
1) DRM'ed games.
2) EA XXXX '## sports "games"
3) Practically anything from EA.
4) MMORPG's or other games with a monthly fee.
5) 3d games that are 3d for no reason.

Hopefully that gives you a feel for what will be on display here. Now I'm going to get busy reviewing N, so I can change my sig.

Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
