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Journal Surur's Journal: millahtime - Just another troll

Maybe not (Score:0, Offtopic)
by millahtime (710421) on Monday November 08, @10:21PM (#10760076)
( http://millahtime.blogspot.com/ | Last Journal: Wednesday June 02, @03:20PM )
Well, I know I will get hit hard for this but have to bring it up....

What about the flood written about in the bible, in ancient writings of India, written about by the ancient peoples of middle america and in many other old cultures? Could this have been it? Could they have all drown?

It has been estimated that if all the ice melted and the rain all come down that there would be quite a distance of water over the highest peak of the planet. Could this be it?
The media is saying what!?!?!?! [blogspot.com]

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
