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Journal Zeriel's Journal: Random stuff today

Shrinking Zeriel Project: 224.8lbs trend, 220.6lbs on the scale. Go me.

Election: Concessions and no Florida crap this time. Maturity returns in some small measure. Go Kerry. Here's hoping Bush does SOMETHING to make the part of me that's Republican happy (hint, PNAC hegemony crap ain't it, and neither is fiscal irresponsibility).

Election, again: I've been branding people around me as suffering from "raving liberal/conservative syndrome". Do you suffer from the following symptoms?

  • Emotional reaction of comparable strength to the birth of your child or the death of your mother, with regards to the election results.
  • Inability to discuss members of the opposite party (or of both major parties) without the use of ad-hominem attacks.
  • Desire to leave the country with no plan and no job waiting for you OR desire to fund the people in the first part of this question.
  • Desire to see [Dick Cheney|Hillary Clinton] on the ballot in 2008.
  • Disappointment that Kerry conceded instead of turning Florida into a 2000-esque fight because [he'd probably win|we could REALLY make fun of them lib'rals then.]
  • Desire to make every conversation you partake in today cover the election in some way.

If you answered yes to any of the previous symptoms, you almost certianly suffer from raving conservative/liberal syndrome (RCLS). Please smack your head on your desk repeatedly until the symptoms recede or you lose consciousness and stop ranting at Zeriel how all Bush voters are clearly brain-damaged. Yes, this means you, my office-mate.

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Random stuff today

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