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Journal freejung's Journal: The Revolution Starts NOW! 18

"Transmission third world war third round
A decade of the weapon of sound above ground
No shelter if you're looking for shade
I lick shots at the brutal charade
As the polls close like a casket
On truth devoured
Silent play in the shadow of power
A spectacle, monopolized
The cameras eyes on choice disguised
Was it cast for the mass who burn and toil
Or for the vultures who thirst for blood and oil?
Yes a spectacle, monopolized
They hold the reins, stole your eyes
All the fistagons the bullets and bombs
Who stuff the banks
Who staff the party ranks
More for Gore or the son of a drug lord?
None of the above fuck it cut the cord
It has to start somewhere
It has to start somehow
What better place than here
What better time than now?"
-- Rage Against the Machine

For the record, I consider this erection illegitimate, regardless of who "wins." We should be ashamed of this farce, people in real democracies are laughing at us right now.

However, we are seeing record turnout, and mass popular participation in politics. That is wonderful, and it's a very good start toward a real democracy.

On the one hand we are witnessing the death of American democracy. On the other hand, we are witnessing its rebirth.

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The Revolution Starts NOW!

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • This is not a democracy. It never was. You do not vote for your leaders. You do not vote for the many, many powerhouses (Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rove) that the "leaders" delegate near-equal power to, and you certainly don't actually run this country, that's why you elect "leaders".

    If they're laughing at us, they're laughing at the ignorant goons who are so bloody brainwashed by the imbecilic tripe they learn in pop-ed K through 12 that they think this is a democracy or ever was.

    •'s a democratic constitutionally based representative republic. In modern parlance, it is called a democracy for short, mainly based on that you as an individual do in fact get to "vote" in some fashion.. Language evolves, stuff happens. If it was a complete representative republic, you would never get to vote unless you were appointed to vote, it would have always been a hierarchy of appointees. If it was a true democracy, every individual capable of voting, no matter age, etc, wiould vote on all th
    • Well, thanks for your two cents, MP. Of course I know that we are a constitutional republic with a "strong democratic tradition," by technical definition. And I know that this is not, and never has been, a democracy, in more ways than you probably are aware. America has always been an oligarchy, in reality.

      However, our Republic has always been nominally democratic, in the sense that we elect our leaders. Supposedly. This has never worked in an entirely egalitarian way, but at least for a while we were man

  • people in real democracies are laughing at us right now.

    No, we're not laughing. Do you laugh at train wrecks? Do you laugh at madmen with nukes? We certainly don't. If you were a piss-ant banana republic, then maybe we'd shake out heads in a slightly condescending manner. But when the sole surviving superpower reveals that it can't even pull off a slightly convincing election fraud (on it's second attempt, no less!), that's more disturbing than anything else.

  • For the record, I consider this erection illegitimate, regardless of who "wins."

    Feeling a little freudian today?

    Sorry, that distracted me from the rest of your JE, but I'm sure it was good :D

    • -- Pee Wee Herman

      Actually, I really did mean to do that. It is an erection, in the sense that we are not electing a leader, one is being erected for us. Same thing happened in 2000.

  • The OSCE [] (European Security, election oversight and other stuff) has sent a bunch of observers to the US in response to an invitation by the US State Department. There are reports that several polling districs and the GOP Florida campaign HQ have refused to let the observers in. Three members of the Swedish parliament are among them and one of them just gave a report on Swedish national radio.

    Rumours here claim that Kerry wants McCain as his Secretary of Defense. Makes sense, when you think about it. Anot

    • Yesterday, the story broke silently here that US forces were "really close" to capturing Usama a few weeks ago. A little October Surprise in the making that went the way of Dubya's presidency, perhaps?
      • Wow, that's very interesting. If that turns out to be true and Dubya loses, that pretty much puts a wrench in the claim that he was "divinely appointed" to win this, eh? Maybe that little bit was God's vote! (Just a joke, just a joke, all you xians, don't get your panties in a bunch!)
        • I have this vision of an angry God going (in a booming voice, of course) "WTF? Didn't I give you enough signs? Are you really that stupid?" after Dubya wins. Then He uses His thumb to erase the US off the face of the earth.
    • Yeah, I was going to include the OSCE oversight story but I was rushed this morning on my way to work. That's a good one: we can't even stand up to international inspection. We're running this erection like they do in Zimbabwe or something!
    • CNN's OH [] page seems weird. Look at their breakdown into gender. There were 47% males voting, of which 51% voted Bush. 53% females voted 53% Kerry. How then does Bush get 51% of the total votes? Weren't "Other gender" counted?

      Holdonasec, I just figured it out. The gender bit is from the exit polls, of course. That also explains the 60% of the 24% independents going for Kerry not actually showing up in the results...

      • I like that! Actually, it's a shame we don't have a matriarchal society, it seems clear that the female vote went to Kerry pretty strongly.

For large values of one, one equals two, for small values of two.
