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United States

Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: Fighting terrorism with NaveWeiss 1

Hi all!

Do you know $carab?

He's an evil terrorist!

I was happily writing in his journal, and then suddenly he demanded me to stop writing there because I'm writing from Israel (also known as 972 or region 2:40).

Isn't that NASTY? Instead of supporting peace, he wants war and evilness all around. Unfortunately, that's the problem of many arabs - especially the PA officials - they are powered by hatred, and enjoy when people get killed. They are happy when their people get killed, too, because it increases the rage and they can post pictures of it like they do. So, instead of trying to reduce the suffering, they encourage people to throw stones on the soldiers who guard the borders, thus increasing the casualties.

After writing on his journal, I suddeny started receiving racist AC messages like this and that. I believe that it's $carab's doings.

On one hand, I enjoy getting messages like that, since I love attention (no matter if positive or negative). On the other hand, $carab must be a terrorist because he wanted me out of his journal. So guys, help me and tell him that he's stupid and evil and must have his brain repaired!

Thank you.

UPDATE: Seems that $carab, in a miserable attempt to defend himself, replied to this journal as an AC. The result is very funny. :)

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Fighting terrorism with NaveWeiss

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