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Journal Zeriel's Journal: Shrinking Zeriel Project 49

Day 15: 234lbs.

This in spite of massive quantities of indian food (little hole in the wall called Marsala, best in town) and to-die-for ice cream (Abm0raz, I realize I'm behind the times, but on the off chance you're further behind than I am, get yer ass to the Cold Stone Creamery if you haven't already--it's next to Quizno's on Beaver.)

I felt bad at the restaurant, because I only ate about a third of the food that I ordered, due to diet, and the waiter asked if anything was wrong. I assured him that it was great, and that I wanted a box to take the rest home.

So then, the cook came out, and asked if it was all right. *sighs* J and I were the only people in the place, I guess he must have thought he was going to lose business since neither of us ate the whole serving (it would have been hard--on top of the pile of chicken curry and rice I had, we ordered a 12-piece basket of assorted naan flatbread that's served six people in the past when we went there with friends), and it took me about five minutes to explain we were on diets, and they were the best indian place in town, and we always go there when we want indian food.

So the ice cream. There's this place called Cold Stone Creamery, and I dunno if it's a franchise or what (I think it is), but the basic deal is you go there, and you pick your flavor of ice cream (which they make on-site, so they say), and then you pick the toppings or whatever you want mixed in, and then they mix it in by hand and blend it until it's smooth, and give it to you (with optional waffle cone). It's like custom ben-and-jerrys. Pricey, admittedly. but very well worth it. The atmosphere was good, too, the employees seemed to be having fun (more than yer average counter person in essentially a fast food place), although it was explained to me that if we tried the completed mixture and it wasn't exactly to our liking, we could start over at no charge. It was further explained that the employees got to eat the mistakes. =)

So that was my exciting weekend of both food and dieting. Peace.

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Shrinking Zeriel Project

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  • Indian place: the on on beaver next to THITGFKAS or the one on calder way and pig alley? The one on beaver is pretty good. Never ate at the other. I'm not a huge indian food fan (seeing as I'm pork and beef man myself, neither of which are served for obvious reasons). I also am a big fan of hot foods, but not mustard based foods (which most curry is).

    Cold Stone Creamery: Yeah, I walk by it every day. Yet to actually stop in. Not a big fan nof ice cream, especially stuff made on the spot. The whole
    • Indian Place: Neither--the one up the street from McDonalds, in the plaza with Transfer Junction, Uncle Chen's, and the Uni-Mart.

      CSC: Yeah, forgot about the peanut allergy. Sux.
  • There used to be a place, Mix Icecream, near UW on University and 45th. Fantastic ice cream, served just the way Stone Cold does. I haven't been there in a few years, and the name has changed, but it may be the same general place under new management.

    The ice cream there was about an order of magnitude bette than Stone Cold. Try the cheesecake icecream, it's great :) A large icecream, with, say, marionberries, malt, chocolate fudge and macademia nuts, in a waffle [cone, cup]. VERY tasty!

    From the pla
    • It's no secret that I'm just about as far away as a USian can get from Seattle, in lovely State College, Pennsylvania, home of Penn State.

      Technically, I'm in Bellefonte, which is the next town over and locally known for a high proportion of surviving victorian-era architecture, but no one outside central PA knows what I'm talking about.
      • Ahh, I see now. Yes, I've long suspected that all colleges are just replicants, manufactured Goddess-knows-where, and hyperlinked to various localities across the country. How else would they all have a Marsala's hole-in-the-wall place, and Stone Cold Cream, and a quad, and probably even the Iranian Student Association? How about preachers selling fire and brimstone, complete with hecklers? Frat boys leering at sorority girls who were chosen mainly because their butts were wide enough to display those

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
