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Journal ir0b0t's Journal: POTUS Debate No. 2

Okay debate no. 2 from St. Louis ended a couple of hours ago. My vote for best line was (surprise) Kerry's about generals winning the war and presidents having to win the peace. Its mind-boggling to me that anyone can take the current administration seriously on any issue. That said, I think Kerry won the exchange on two points. The first was the Canadian drug import question. Kerry said he was for it, and Bush tried to say he wanted to make sure the drugs were safe first. The second and decisive question was on abortion. Kerry's answer was nuanced, and Bush chose that moment to give one of his famous unequivocal simple answers, and it sounded to me like he ended up opposing all abortions under all circumstances. To the extent that position is aired, I don't believe his campaign will win support from swing voters.
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POTUS Debate No. 2

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