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Journal shadowspark's Journal: Man attacks police with two cobras. GI Joe Surrenders!

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Man attacks police with two cobras. GI Joe surrenders
On to keeping songs in ones' head ...

He'll fight for freedom wherever there is trouble, G. I. Joe is there!
G. I. Joe . . . A Real American Hero G. I. Joe is there.

Its G. I. Joe against Cobra and Destro,
Fighting to save the day.
He never gives up, he's always there,
Fighting for freedom over land and air.

G. I. Joe . . . A Real American Hero G. I. Joe is there.

"G. I. Joe is the codename for America's daring, highly trained, special mission force. Its purpose: To defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world."

He never gives up, he'll stay till the fights won G. I. Joe will dare.
G. I. Joe . . . A Real American Hero G. I. Joe!

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Man attacks police with two cobras. GI Joe Surrenders!

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
