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Journal QBasicer's Journal: Another day at Tims

Today I had another shift at Timmies. Being a runner for the drive through is more then a little annoying... Then I had to run for cash again. Oh yeah, I got another $5.00 in tips

I want to finish my project today, or at least half... a 1 500 word english essay, in two parts. I want to finish the first part (1 500 / 2 = 750). I'm up to 500 and some change.

This morning I woke up to my website being down... I really don't question why, as it's free and a favour, but it was down never the less. I really want to get people to visit my forums. I'm pondering first posting my website and seeing how many people will visit it... I would get modded down, so it's not worth it...

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Another day at Tims

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"Life is a garment we continuously alter, but which never seems to fit." -- David McCord
