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Journal EnronHaliburton2004's Journal: The life of a political troll 1

I've had my other ./ account since 1998.

So I started this new account because I wanted to have a relatively anonymous way to express my political opions and to counter the Republican trolls on this board. I'm plenty political with my other account, but I was worried about how it would affect my current job search, being that my ./ account is one of the top items that comes up on Google.

I understand it's not true anonymity. Some day there will be a huge database linking IP addresses and aliases on various websites with every American citizen. I fully expect to be strung up by a roving gang of "Bush Youth" in about 20 years.

It's been a whole week. Yesterday I made it to "Excellent Karma", and now I get the automatic Karma Bonus.


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The life of a political troll

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  • I started this account as an experiment, to see if someone who interlaces expletives in otherwise normal conversations would be modded up or down. The answer is 'up'. The crowd here is largely immune to 4 letter words.

    Now, I use this account for mostly the same thing you use yours for. I debate politics, and if someone disagrees with me completely, and they are intelligent, they get nice treatment. If someone overuses fallacious arguments, or attacks me first, then I unleash my can of 4 letter words and in

Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.
