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Journal Zeriel's Journal: The Amazing Shrinking Zeriel Project 9

I am dieting.

Trying to lose weight without losing muscle mass--I weigh ~240lbs at present, and I'm 6'0". I'd really prefer to get myself down to ~190-200, which is more than I was in high school, but I could deadlift 150lbs then and I can deadlift 350lbs now, so I'm hoping the muscles will stay on even when the pounds come off.

I'm not doing any fancy diet plans other than "don't be stupid." I'm using the basic methodology of The Hacker's Diet, but I'm not counting calories except as differential calories--i.e., I'm tracking my weight and extrapolating calorie excess/deficit from that.

So far, it's working pretty well, in that I'm in constant calorie deficit, but I'm not terribly hungry all the time. I'm exercising a bit every day, too.

I hope this'll go fast. In general, I'm a damnably hefty eater--I can eat 4500ish calories a day and not feel stuffed, and I have been (sadly enough). I've dropped almost 500 calories from my daily intake just by forgoing the three little bags of chips I eat at work every day.

Wish me luck. I'll post progress reports here every so often, so you folks can help keep me honest. =)

Current State: Diet day 4. 237lbs.

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The Amazing Shrinking Zeriel Project

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  • Somehow, i weigh three pounds more than i did last week.

    I had damned well BETTER still be getting taller.

    I'm getting tired of apples and carrot sticks. *passes you the celery*

    The incredible growing dragon clambers up to the stage next to the incredible shrinking Zeriel in the slashdot sideshow.


    it didn't help that i ate way too many calories ofr dinner last night, but i was hungry and needed comfort food. Cabbage and tortillas for dinner tonight, i promise.

    • Metabolisms are a funny thing, Sol. You might try lookin' at the Hacker's Diet link--it has a 15-min-per-day low-impact sorta exercise thingy that stretches you out and stimulates metabolism (unsure if it's solemnsafe, but it's damn easy on my bad knees), and the idea of tracking weight the way they do (with a moving average of weights so you average out water weight etc) is really helping me out in terms of knowing what I can and can't eat--it's amazing how little you have to change sometimes, if you just
  • It seems like a lot of people here on /. are on some kind of "diet" or other. Me included, though my goal is more to lose centimeters around my waist and to get more defined muscles than to reach a number goal on the scales. I still have to get rid of the excess bodyfat some way or other...

    Speaking of which, if you want to lose the bodyfat without losing the muscle, you might want to look into the diet plans bodybuilders go on for pre-contest.

    Good luck in reaching your goal.

    • My "goal" is to lose the beer belly, really. I'm continuing to lift weights, and I'm eating a lot more protien than usual compared to my total intake, so I'm not worried too much about a drop in muscle mass.

      This is mostly about just getting to the point where I'm going to endanger my heart in the long term if I keep carrying this much weight. That, and none of my pants fit anymore.
      • bah ... i wear my beer gut with pride! It's the freshman 15 (+the sophomore 10, the junior 25, the senior 5, and the super senior 20) that hurt. ;)

        Happy Valley: Drinking town with a football problem.

        • As I've mentioned elsewhere, after a zillion crappy Phi Mu Alpha parties stocked with kegs of Milwaukee's Beast, I can't drink beer anymore. Unless it's good stout, and in moderate qualities.

          Which is why Otto's is my downfall. Soo goooood.
          • Did you go to the Microbrew Festival (a.k.a. Beerfest) this summer? If not, I recommend it highly. It's all import/microbrews from all over the place. 150+ beers this year. Honestly, Otto's was one of the worst there (and it's pretty good).

            • I never seem to have the money to go to that when it comes around.
              • If I'm still around next summer**, I'll spot you. :)


                ** Yay! I finally graduate this spring.
                "Lots of people go to college for 10 years."
                "Yeah, they're called doctors."

core error - bus dumped
