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User Journal

Journal loid_void's Journal: Desktopstory

Yesterday, Sunday, September 26th, we had our first meeting with student actors and actesses for the show; 2 classes, 2 seperate groups to be exact. The first, middle school kids, all talented and all - online junkies - couldn't wait to get home and check out the website we have built for the show. The 2nd group, high schoolers, even more talented, online, but not to the degree of the younger kids (telling).

So now we begin our adventure, our workshop, 24 Sundays; the first twelve will be hammering out character developement and plot - The world's first online musical? If no one beats us to it, but we've got a good head start. Music has been written, mostly. Man were the kids excited, being a part of something that they were going to develope and the fact that it was internet based, well, that was just the icing on the cake for them. Even more interesting, will be trying to present the show on a stage, yes , that's the rub, the challenge - to create this other dimension, this world unto itself on a mere proscenium. But after being with the kids, seeing their talent, I know it can be done.

Soon the site will have blog attributes, the kids can work while away from school, and after all, we will only meet every Sunday for 2 hours and a lot must be accomplished.

This discussion was created by loid_void (740416) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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