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Journal Al Dimond's Journal: Movies!

Last night in Paxton I watched Rocky IV and Rocky III. True think pieces, them. For example, the fight between Rocky and the Lips d00d in Rocky III. The Rocky movies make heavy use of staged fights, and here was a staged fight, staged to look staged. And, because it was between Stallone and an actual pro wrestler that stages fights for a living, the staging was as convincing and sometimes more convincing than the staging of the other fights.

That fight leaves some uncertainty as to the nature of the fight in the movie world. However, its effect was no different than any of the other fights. It showed that Stallone had lost **THE EYE OF THE TIGER** just as his first fight against Clubber Lang did, and the second one showed how he regained it.

And Rocky IV... what a brilliant soundtrack. Particularly the song playing as Rocky's plane landed in the Soviet Union. That and the remarks from Rocky and Drago in their opposite corners, respectively: "He's a human" as Rocky gained confidence in his ability to hurt Drago, and "He's a piece of iron" as Drago gained respect for Rocky's toughness. A testament to the superiority of technology over weak fleshy humans.

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