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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Fun with Telemarketers

We get a lot of telemarketers and have done many things to confuse them over the years. Most inventive is Samzenpus who lives for the challenge presented by random phone calls. When they call and ask for the person in charge of phones, he simply explains that 'We Don't Have Phones'. We've been sharing office space for like 3-4 years now, and this never gets old.

For the last few months, the new game has been 'Hold'. You can usually tell within about 3 seconds if the call is legit or not. If they are obviouslly selling you credit cards or phone service, you politely ask them to be put on hold. Then you start the stopwatch. Most people last 20-30 seconds tops. Today we had someone break not only the never-before-breached 1 minute barrier, she made it TWO minutes. She lasted so long that the phone actually beeped to warn us that there was someone holding! Glorious!

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Fun with Telemarketers

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