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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: Increasing your slashdot experience 5

There are some ways where you can customize slashdot in order to make it more interesting or useful, and as a result you'll waste even more time on it! Here's how you do that.

Homepage configruation

First of all, the date. For some reason the default date display doesn't show the YEAR, which can be very annoying, especially when you're running a search. So change it to something with the year.

Enable the Collapse subsections option. There are several sections on slashdot (bsd, apple, ask slashdot etc) and sometimes stories are posted in those sections but not on the main page. If you enable this option, you'll be able to see some more slashdot stories which get a little coverage usually, and might be quite interesting.

The Slashbox can be quite useful. You place HTML code there, and it shows up on the main page and also on the stories page. The only problem is that you're limited on characters.
You can put even an IMG tag there, in order to see a webcam, for example.

Here's what I placed there:
My Journals Other's journals Messages Logout

Notice the "Other's journals" link. It's the list of all the recent 30 journals people posted. It's useful if you're very bored at work and slashdot doesn't have any interesting new stories.

Comments section

Only one thing which isn't obvious here: (Default) comment post mode. Change it to "Plain Old Text". I don't know if people are aware that you can use HTML codes on "Plain Old Text" too (unlike in Kuro5hin), so for 95% of the cases, it's better that way. I believe that posting in HTML mode is necessary only if you use the OL, UL or BLOCKQUOTE tags, or if you want more than one blank line between paragraphs.

Message section .

The messages are useful too, and you should use them too. However, it isn't mentioned anywhere that slashdot will not store more than 50 messages for you, so if you're getting a lot of messages and you don't want to lose the notifications, you should tell slashdot to send the notifications via email (or just delete them all the time).
Update: Seems now that slashdot does store more than 50 messages. Go figure.

That's all. Feel free to post more un-productivity tips here.

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Increasing your slashdot experience

Comments Filter:
  • A HREF=" cook for me Really!; I am not lying...
  • th1s e4rly ps0t 1s d3d1c4t3d t0:
    0n by, CLITs O th3 sp0rks,
    "kl3rck" o o 4nd 4ll
    n0n o. .o 4Cs
    o . . o
    4nd o. .o p4g3
    w1d3n3rs o o 4nd 4ls0
    l3ngth3n3rs O 4V3RYWH3R3!
    tr0llz r0x0r !!! cr4pfl00d r3wlz!

    Cool isn't it? Reminds me of the days people drew ANSI files. I'm not going to write who made this thing, because his nick sucks.

    People also say it slows down IE, but it doesn't have any effect on mine. It's also interesting how it looks different on IE and Mozilla. On IE, it looks much more like a clit.

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." --Matt Groening
