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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: How I got laid yesterday 1

(Inspired from this entry by JTS; Ofcourse, this is a true story, too)

There's that girl that I know for a long time. She had a boyfriend for over a year, but they broke up. I didn't like their relationship anyway - it wasn't an honest one.

So.. we had a friendship-only relationship (going out to cafes or movies and stuff like that), but I wanted more. She always attracted me.. and after a while, I decided that I can't go on like this, because we didn't have a lot to talk about, and I didn't know what she was wanting from me, as it seemed that we both were existing in different phases and communicated using different frequencies (the biggest problem was that she wasn't showing a lot of interest in what I was telling her).

I decided to make a drastic move, which could either cause her to stop talking to me, or result in an upgrade of our relationship, if you know what I mean. :)

I knew she would call me sooner or later, because she cancelled a previous date we were supposed to have. So, yesterday she did call me. Our conversation went something like that:

- (she) Do you want to do something tonight?
- (me) I don't feel like going out today..
- Well, we don't have to go out. We can watch a DVD at your place. You know, I have a birthday tomorrow.
- Okay, but I want to tell you something.
- What?
- I am really attracted to you. It's really hard for me to see you without doing anything about it.

She was shocked.

- I love you as a friend.. I mean.. .. . . it might ruin everything.
- Not at all! This whole thing will add a new dimension to our relationship.. if you could only let me do something like.. letting me put my hand under your shirt..
- It's weird to hear you talking like that. You want to see my bosom? I never knew..
- Will you let me?
- No.
- Well, it's a pity. I mean.. It could be so nice.
- (decisive staccato) No.
- Oh well.
- So, are we doing anything tonight?
- Will you let me to put my hand under your shirt?
- We'll see how it evolves.

So I took the DVD of Amelie (full name: Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Pulain; Region 2 DVD with Hebrew/English subtitles - nicely shaded.. usually DVD subtitles are ugly), and took her to my place. But before I pressed "play", I told her:

"So... what are we doing about what we talked earlier?"
She went all red (it looked quite cute.. I don't remember anytime causing someone to blush like that) and tried to resist a bit, but eventually she allowed me to do that.. and then we started watching the movie, while I was holding her hand, and soon I started making out with her.. we didn't reach 1/3 of the movie before I took her to my bed.

It was so lovely.. I wonder when we do that again. :)

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How I got laid yesterday

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