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Journal Zeriel's Journal: Dalai Lama quote, very instructive 7

" [I do not] look on any religion as a "super religion" or advocate any one world religion. Just as I would expect doctors to prescribe different remedies for different illnesses, different spiritual needs require different spiritual remedies."

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Dalai Lama quote, very instructive

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  • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
    Actually, that means that he sees religion as a path, instead of ther Truth. Which is incompatible with "Western" religons.
    • All roads eventually lead to the great path. Many cross on the way.
    • Which is incompatible with "Western" religons.

      Howso? Except by a shallow interpretation of western religion, I would say that it is seen as a path also, a path leading to "salvation," which I would hold to be similar to the Buddhist concept of enlightenment and nirvana. Sure, there are folks whose religion is mere dogma, but there are always others as well.

      • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
        Catholicism and its ilk provide the basic point that one must believe in it. And that belief is more powerful than actions.

        Judaism, demands belief in a few things, and is excrutiatingly exacting on actions that must be done. Judiasm also provides many paths, but the basic idea is not a path.

    • I'm with freejung here. My own case is instructive--I was born and raised a Catholic. The rigidity of the rules involved and the doctrine gave me a damn solid moral foundation. As I grew spiritually, though, I found that Catholicism, and in fact, Christianity, wasn't really set up for me to grow the way I wanted to unless I joined a monastic order.

      So I turned to Zen Buddhism, kept my knowledge of Christianity as a starting point, and I feel like I'm daily developing a closer relationship with God.

      As fo
      • by Chacham ( 981 ) *
        So, *you* took it as a path. However *it* is not a path.

        And the Xian saviour referred to "the way" was the *only* way tor receive salvation. It's not a path a much as an exit on the highway that you *must* take.

        As for the path over the dogma, that's because you were raised Catholic, that adds much more to what is there. Perhaps you'd change your views if you were Protestant. Either way, Xianity has little to do with the Bible. If you just followed the Bible (and the NT) you'd be the a Xian form of the Jew

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