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Journal Kainaw's Journal: News for Nerds? Stuff that matters?

Is it just me, or are the boards becoming more and more politically bipolar? You can't even read comments about a new video card until someone twists the topic into an anti-Bush or anti-Kerry forum. I'm sorry, but technology and politics are not fundamentally connected. They can support one another, but each can survive without the other. As it is, this site is degrading into a black hole of parrot-heads that misquote half-truths and paste undocumented websites to support themselves. I think it is time to take a break from Slashdot. At least football season is starting. I'd rather read anti-Chiefs and anti-Broncos boards than anti-Bush and anti-Kerry boards. On second thought... Maybe I can twist all the topics into reasons why the Chiefs will on Sunday!

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News for Nerds? Stuff that matters?

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