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Journal ParticleGirl's Journal: Slippery slopes, misdirection, and "Abre los Ojos" 7

The European Parliament voted today to adopt a directive that forces national governments, telecoms and other communications providers to practice data-collection on a truly invasive level. It's supposedly a reaction to Echelon. Marco Capatto, the EP draftsman, is not happy with the data collection/retention clause, and has written a report on the proposal-- an interesting read. There is an opinion on the proposal from the Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy, and stop1984 issued a press release.

There was a story about it today, but everyone seemed to care about the anti-spam stuff and not give two shits about the invasion of privacy that snuck in while everyone was looking elsewhere.

Tonight I'm going to see "Abre los Ojos," the Mexican movie that "Vanilla Sky" (which I heard sucked) was based on. This one, the original, is supposed to be fantastic. I could use more sleep, but I don't really want to just go home and do nothing and sleep, and this is probably the most "social" thing I could do that involves the least amount of actual physical effort.

Update: Ok, as it was pointed out to me in the comments [below], this movie is Spanish (ie, from Spain) and not Mexican. This confusion on my part does NOT mean that I cannot tell the difference between Spainiards and Mexicans. It means that I thought this was a Mexican movie before I saw it. I also thought it had something to do with dogs. Oops.
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Slippery slopes, misdirection, and "Abre los Ojos"

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  • Tonight I'm going to see "Abre los Ojos," the Mexican movie that "Vanilla Sky" (which I heard sucked) was based on.

    I'm not 100% sure but I think "Abre los Ojos" is a Spanish (as in Spain) movie and not Mexican.
    <REDNECK>Mexican, Spanish same thing.</REDNECK> :)

    Good movie I heard. I keep planing on renting it but never remember till after I get back from the video shop.

    I'm just pissed that there hollywood-izing "Insomnia" []. Which isn't that bad by it's self except nowhere in any promo, stories, etc do they mention that it's a remake.
    • You're right-- it was Spanish, not Mexican. The last movie we were talking about in class was Y Tu Mama Tambien which is Mexican, and for some reason I assumed this one would be, too. Wrong I was. So it goes. What a fantastic movie. You heard right-- definitely, go see it. Someone in the theatre compared it to The Matrix, which is a bit of a stretch, but I can see where it comes from. Yeah, a really fantastic movie. If anyone who might stumble upon this journal has seen it, do let me know-- I'd love to talk about it.

      I didn't even know that Insomnia was a remake. Who's it originally by? When was it first made? All I know is that it's Robin Williams playing a very unusual role for him. Out of character, if you will forgive the pidgeon-hole-ing.
      • I didn't even know that Insomnia was a remake. Who's it originally by? When was it first made? All I know is that it's Robin Williams playing a very unusual role for him. Out of character, if you will forgive the pidgeon-hole-ing.

        I only know this because I rented it [] like a year ago. It was originally a Norwegian film by Erik Skjoldbjærg [] It came out in 97. The unusual role that Robin Williams is filling is that of a serial killer.
        • Are you posting at 3? How? Why? I thought that those with good karma post at +1, but I've never heard of anyone posting at +2.

          I know he's playing a serial killer-- I just think that's an unusual role for him. :) I don't think I've seen him in anything where he isn't supposed to be all cute and funny and sympathetic.
          • Are you posting at 3? How? Why? I thought that those with good karma post at +1, but I've never heard of anyone posting at +2.

            Nah same boring old +1. It must be your friends modifier.

            I know he's playing a serial killer-- I just think that's an unusual role for him. :) I don't think I've seen him in anything where he isn't supposed to be all cute and funny and sympathetic.

            Yah, now that I think about it neither have I. I think he'll pull it off though. Imagining him as a killer is really freaking me out :)
            • AHA! A friends modifier. Didn't even occur to me. I'm new to all this journal-friends-random-counting-of-comments stuff. That's what I get for getting distracted for a year. I'll have to check that out.

              Yeah, Robin Williams playing a serial killer is my one reason to go see the movie. I think he's great-- a really phenomenal actor. But he's always been very typecast. The nice guy goes to war and cheers people up (by being goofy). The nice dad learns to love his kids (and how to be goofy again). The nice robot wants to be human (and is goofy while not so good at it). The nice teacher helps the kids to appreciate life (by being kinda goofy). I've seen him play an incredible range of scenes, emotions and characters-- but every time they cast him they want in on his much-lauded ability to play a nice, goofy guy. I can't wait to see him do something totally different.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
