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Journal Trolling4Dollars's Journal: 2004 Presidential Campaign: Summary 8

This presidential race is the ugliest I've ever seen.

Both sides are escalating.

Here is the summary:

It's kind of like watching two monkeys beating each other with sticks. One hits hard, the other hits harder, the other hits back even harder. Before you know it, one of them is lying on the ground dead with it's skull cracked in and the other one is parading around proudly at the fact that he "won the argument".

Picture this and marvel at how little we've progressed as a civilization.

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2004 Presidential Campaign: Summary

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  • For the appearance of a Black Monolith.
  • I thought the minions broke out in a chant of "We Want Bush! We Want Bush!"

    They were actually saying Viva Bush, after his brilliant pronunciation of "No dejaremos a ningun nino atras", pathetic.

  • It's kind of like watching two monkeys beating each other with sticks.

    I think I would find that very entertaining. The monkeys would at least be better looking than these two clowns.

    • I think I would find that very entertaining. The monkeys would at least be better looking than these two clowns.

      The monkeys would, most likely, make better presidents as well.

      The problem with the mudslinging is that they avoid issues of which both of them are guilty.
  • In every election I have ever seen there is always plenty of mudslinging going on. I have no idea how to prevent this, except to perhaps force every political ad that mentions or shows an image of the other candidate to be reviewed by both parties, with the opposing party given a chance to add their own comments at the end of the ad. This would at least allow the other side to clarify or refute accusations, especially since nearly every attack uses quotes or events taken out of context.

The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
