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Journal jdray's Journal: Poindexter says TIA alive underground 1

Dig out your tinfoil hats. CIO Magazine has an interview with John Poindexter, resigned head of the TIA. In it, he tells us that many projects from the dissolved agency have gone underground but are still being funded, out of sight of public scrutiny. Similar reports have been seen on Slashdot before. He also says that he "never intended to build a single, central database to collect data on every transaction by every American." Gee, what was he planning, then? When asked what he'd do different, given the chance, Poindexter says he would've put more resources on spin control, or what he calls "getting the public diplomacy part stronger."
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Poindexter says TIA alive underground

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  • Generalization Alert. But the idea/end-game is/may-be to have the tools to control who gets what portion of what markets. A High Speed variation on an old game [ye olde Monopoly Royale].

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