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Journal jeepliberty's Journal: Playing Golf with a Tri-Stix 1

Sunday morning, with the dew on the ground, I played early golf with some new friends. The one named Bob had a unique piece of equipment in his bag. It's called a Tri-Stix(tm).

The Tri-Stix was invented by John who played in the foursome behinds us. Bob's father, who is in the plastics business, is the manufacturer of Tri-Stix. Small world!

The Tri-Stix is a three club carrier that keeps the clubs off the ground. It hangs from your bag when you in the cart. When you leave the cart, it carries three clubs. The six inch pin on the bottom keeps Tri-Stix upright while you play your shot. Tristix pictured here.

While I used a towel or balanced my club on the ball mark repair tool to keep the handle dry, Bob punched the Tri-Stix into the turf near his ball.

I remember once playing when the golf course was so wet the conditions were "cart path only" for electric golf carts. I was the odd man of a threesome. Several times I had to traverse the fairway to hit my ball, only to discover that once I was at the ball, I didn't have the right club. The Tri-Stix is made just for those occurrences. Carry club you want to use and one above and one below. Just in case.

Instead of playing "cart path golf" I could have played Tri-Stix golf!

And when I get old with arthritis, I won't have to stoop to pick up my wedge after putting out. I'll just use the ole Tri-Stix.

The website for the Tri-Stix is www.mstsports.com.

If you play golf or know someone who does, check it out. It's a golf accessory that really works as advertised.

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Playing Golf with a Tri-Stix

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