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Journal checkyoulater's Journal: Red Bull is amazing. 3

I have wanted to try it since I heard about it. Of course, what I originally heard was that some kid mixed it with alcohol and drugs and died. For that reason, Health Canada doesn't like it and so it isn't available in Canada. Yet.

I was in the States 2 weekends ago, and brought back a few packs of it. Tried a couple of cans down there. Was impartial. Until now.

10 Minutes ago I was half-asleep. After 1 can of Red Bull I can feel a slight buzz. Kind of like the caffeine buzz, but a little different. Wonder how I'll feel if I drink a few more cans?

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Red Bull is amazing.

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  • Well, you can if you want. But Ben likes to tell the tale of our boss (the one we both worked for) the morning that he had 2 red bulls and 2 espressos, along with a handful of chocolate-covered coffee beans.

    "He was like a blur. He'd pace the short length of the conference room, realize he was standing up, and sit down. You never really saw him stand up, he was either pacing, or deciding to sit down. Over and over again during our normal hour-long meeting."

    • I stopped at 3 cans. Not so much because of the buzz but more because they are so damn sweet. I don't care much for sody pop and candy in general, and Red Bull tastes like both.

      It does taste good with vodka, however. I think the alcohol I consumed sort of balanced out the buzz from the caffeine and "Taurine" contained in the Red Bull. What the hell is Taurine, anyway?

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