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Journal Celt's Journal: No words can really explain..

Well things have taken abit of a change recently.
My Dad went for some tests on Monday and he found out he has cancer.
Sister phoned me Monday night to tell me, cause I was still at college.

Its so frostrating, I'm so worried after hearing it, I'm annoyed because I want to be able to do something about it but can't! and I'm pissed off that the this whole thing is affecting me so much.

All my friends know about it and its been a hard week for me, on Wednesday Linda asked was I ok and I just muttered a few words and walked off cause I almost started crying, she followed after me to see if I was ok, that night I got so worked up over it that I had what I can only describe as a panick attack. It scared the hell out of me.
Also had a exam on Wednesday and I came really close to walking out of it.

The thing with Trish has been put on hold cause my mind is just gone at the moment and she knows that, she understands that I have other stuff on my mind.

I don't know why this is all affecting me so much, stuff like this never affected me so much before.
Its been far from a fun week but thankfully I have good friends and there looking out for me making sure I'm ok.

I know there's nothing they can do about it but it helps to just know that they want to make sure I'm ok.

Its going to be a worrying next couple of weeks as my Dad has the operation to remove it in about two weeks time.

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No words can really explain..

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